We arrived last night and I have to say what a cool visitor’s centre. The National Park Kluane), the Yukon Territory, and the First Nations Cultural Centre have combined their resources and are all under one roof. So much interactive fun, as well as great wealth of knowledge. They helped us pick a camping spot at Kathleen lake along the border of the park. We have booked a flight on a plane with skis to see the park from the air tomorrow. It even lands on the glacier!

Kathleen Lake Campground is a Parks Canada campground and has presentations a few times a week. Gibson and I hit up one last night, with the topic being about the Boreal forests (around the globe) with special focus on Kluane National Park. I truly learned so much. The park, in association with all the partners involved, is actually planning to do some prescribed burns in the park as of 2025 because fires help to start regrowth. Funny to think that way when our province burns every year.  I did not know that the first nations would actually do burns to an area and then leave and come back 3 years later to reap the benefit of the new growth and animals that would return to the area. 

Alaska has park land on either side of the Yukon, and extending the park to the coast line, in partnership with three first nations groups has made the biggest park/national reserve in North America. 

We got word this morning that the weather won’t be good, so our original plan to fly and land on the glacier will not be happening today. Too cloudy and gusts of wind they say. I am happy to reschedule as I get motion sickness in a car so I can’t imagine what a ride in a small plane on a windy day might do to me. Unfortunately, they were all booked up for our remaining days there. So back to the info centre to see if we can get a plane scheduled through another company. Yay! We have to drive a bunch more, but we can get one in two days. Cross your fingers.

So, disappointment…. We got cancelled on again in Burwash Landing. We got half way there (drove 1.5hr), where we stopped at the Sheep visitor centre, only to be informed that a storm was rolling in. UGH! We hit up the local museum and multipurpose store. Not very exciting, but trying to make the best of it.

Kid’s highlights were their hammocks they set up side by side. They played make believe racing or star wars games for endless entertainment. $30 hammocks were the best purchase/investment. If any family is thinking of camping… bring a hammock.

Throughout the days we did some hikes, some fishing- not successful, and so we were happy when we packed up to move on to Whitehorse. A clean Airbnb for 4 days. Yay! I actually figured it out, once we arrived there, it had been 16 days of straight camping and we all had only had 3 real showers. Needless to say, I think we all stunk!


Here I did a Landmark Forum development course. It was good in so many ways, and left me wanting more, while also giving me some things to question. Overall, I was happy I did it. (Adam did it 3 weeks prior). For those 3 days I was totally occupied and unavailable, so Adam was single parenting. It was funny how the things he tried to get done with them never turned out: Pool- which was open the day before they tried to go, and was now closed for two months for maintenance, Fishing- too windy/bad weather so they came home and just ended up watching fishing videos, movies and played games on their tablets. The boys even got a couple video chats in with family. 

Adam did some car maintenance while we were in a bigger city centre- new tires, cleaning the car etc. Sadly we found out that the little mouse from Skagway had not moved on from our car and had made a home in our car. This is a huge source of discomfort and anxiety for me, so send your prayers and good vibes that we catch it!!!!!

We are leaving the Yukon and are off to Liard Hot Springs Provincial Park tomorrow. Back to camping life for a week.


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