In Hieser Idaho, we stayed at a campground owned by the USA and my brother and I built a jump. We made it so even when you hit the landing ramp it does not feel like it.    

     In Idaho we went to the Craters of the Moon. I went to the Dew Drop cave. You shood go to the the Dew Drop Cave first because the second one is huge.  We could only do two out of three caves,  because the second one was a bit to big for us.  It was biger then are actual house. Not the motorhome but are other house. The exit is so cool because you go therough tunnel and then you are the  middle of lava. You have to follow metle poles to the path to get back. Idaho is the best so far in this motorhome trip.

Oct 10

We went to Long Beach, Washington, the longiest beach in the world. It ast weeis so long that I bet there is no one that has ever walked the whole thing. We bought a new kite and it was a bit of a struggle to get it up, but we did it. It was so fun to play with. We played with the kite until Mom and Dad said it time to go.  We packed the kite away and went back to are campground. We stayed at Harvest Host for three days. We got to see a guy milk two goats, but he does do three goats. We got to feed pigs first and then the goats.   

Then we left Washington and went to an Oregon campground. It had a pool at the camp ground that even had a juckusy. I enjoyed the pool.




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